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How can we help you, friend?

Welcome home, Studio Owner.

Take a look through some of the ways we might be able to support you, to help you achieve the life of your dreams.

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Let's get started

Need help with your social media and marketing?

Want to fix your payment structure, tidy up your offerings, and boost your profits?

Feel like you’re the hamster on a wheel? Need some monthly support and increased enrolments?

Do you still believe studio owners don’t earn a big wage? Go all in and let us show you this is no longer the case…

Yearn for more students but marketing is the least favourite part of your business?
Our Free ENROL-A-THON can help!

Listen to our Brand New Podcast for the latest Studio Strategies (and Shenanigans)

Catch up on Your Studio Podcast and leave us a voicemail!

Join Chantelle and Michelle as they help you solve your studio and achieve the life of your dreams.


Your Studio Podcast was created to share what we know is truly working in studio businesses today, giving studio owners more ease, freedom and growth in their lives.


But not only that, we want to hear from you! Leave us a voicemail with your latest studio question and we will give you the most practical, proven strategies that are going to get you the results you want in your business.

We are a sanctuary for studio owners to kick off their shoes, pull up a chair and get real about the growth of their studios, their wellbeing as studio owners and their financial goals as business owners.