@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Barlow&family=Fraunces:opsz,wght@9..144,900&display=swap') The Leap 2024 | Join The Waitlist
Register Your Interest for The Leap 2024
What exactly is The Leap?
The Leap is a 6 week program where you will work every week with Chantelle and other Studio Owners to ignite your student numbers in your studio.

And it's surprisingly simple, yet wildly effective - just ask our past Leapers.
P.S. This course works no matter what niche or size you're at in your studio journey. 50 students or even 1000 - we've helped 1000's of owners at every stage of their studio journey.

The Results are in!
Don't trust just our word. Trust our results, because that's what matters.
Trust the words of these Studio Owners who believed in their Studio, and themselves, and took The Leap.

These are just some of the results from our most recent intake.
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"21 New students since starting The Leap... Thank you for the new tools and framework for thinking about how to run (and grow) my Studio!"

Marjorie H.
  "Thankful for this group and Chantelle and her team. I grew by 31 NEW dancers this season so far."

Michelle C.  
  "51 enrolments between the start of The Leap and today - and I'm going to keep that going with everything we learned! Thanks Chantelle!"

Leanne H.  
  "...Finally had some time to pull some stats and... in the 6 weeks beginning to the end of The Leap, I enrolled 39 students!!"

Robyn R.  
  "...I have not been able to complete all of The Leap assignments... But I still have added 58 new students to my small studio which is huge for me! I have not had this many students in years and am feeling the energy and hearing the buzz around town!"

Jeanne L.  
Enter your details below and you'll be the first to know when intakes are open again for 2024
Our dream is to work together to get you a minimum of 20 new enrolments in just 42 days
"I took a photo of my sticker sheet, but Facebook isn't letting me post it. Made it to 21 new students today!"

Ruth R.
  "Here it is... 21 new students and feels like a win... Loved being a part of The Leap. Thank you for all the inspiration #taketheleap"

Laura M.  
  "I just checked enrollment and we're at 31 through the Leap course"

Susan R.  
  "So excited for the 26 new faces in our studio! Lots of work still to do but have a plan forward and a path! #itooktheleap"

Samantha T.  
  "I am thankful that my studio grew by 23 enrollments during the leap! ...so excited for all that is ahead for our studio. #itooktheleap"

Dedra M.  
We would love to work with you!
But here's the rub...

Part of the secret sauce is being able to engage and work closely with each and every Leap member, so we limit intake to no more than 100 studio owners.

Make sure you register by clicking the button above as spaces fill up fast.
