It’s 6.30 pm. You’re still at the studio. There’s one more class to teach, and then you have to catch up on emails and enrolments. Inwardly cursing, you realise you forgot to call the plumber during business hours, and now you have to wait another day to figure out why the studio toilet won’t stop gushing water.
You have a muesli bar in your bag, which you eat for dinner because you were too busy this morning to think about food, and all the cafes nearby are closed. Feeling anxious about low enrolment numbers for next term, you shove those feelings deep down inside, pull your shoulders back, and smile at your students as they trickle through the door.
The show must go on.
Yes. The show must go on.
But…what if you rewrote the script?
Picture this.
You decide to take action in 2024, and you join The Leap, a six-week course designed to increase your enrolments meaningfully. You figure it’s low stakes, so you might as well give it a go. What have you got to lose?
The first week you plan. Everyone is setting goals and getting clear on what they want from their studios in 2024. The fog starts to lift. This feels good.
In the second week, you attract. You learn how to become utterly magnetic to the exact type of students you want in your business. You start to feel a little spark in your belly for the first time in a long time.
In the third week, you overhaul your marketing, but you’re not even dreading it at this stage. You’re excited to roll out your new marketing plan because you know exactly what you offer and who you’re selling to. You feel confident. You’re standing taller.
The fourth week is all about flow. You learn how to automate your systems and free up your time. No more 75-hour work weeks.
The fifth week is about ease. Using AI to help you get things done so you have morIte time to live your life.
Week 6? Well, you’re a master now. Week 6 is about solidifying everything you’ve learned and rolling out your seamless business strategy for your booked-to-capacity studio.
It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
Meet Jeanne. She joined me for The Leap in 2023 and enrolled 58 new students in just under a month.

Michelle enrolled 31 new students in 2023 by joining The Leap.

And here’s a review from Robyn saying The Leap was perfect for her – the 6-week duration was exactly what she needed with bite-sized actions she could complete around running her business.

It’s 6.30 pm. You’re doing exactly what you want to be doing. Eating dinner with your family, going for a walk, meeting friends for dinner, travelling. Your classes are full and you even have a waiting list. Your team can handle the studio when you’re not there, in fact you sometimes even leave your phone at home.
This version of the script is good.