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It’s Double Your Studio Go Time!

When we look to growing our enrolments it is never a nice feeling when try and do this at the last minute. A lot of the time you get to the end of your holidays without much planning and know your enrolments should already be flowing in.

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5 Simple Time Saving Tactics for Busy Studio Owners

If there is one thing that studio owners do not have an abundance of, it’s time. There’s always so much to do. Program planning, teaching, studio maintenance, emails, teacher recruitment, organizing concerts. The list is endless. Unfortunately, you can’t stop doing any of these things. They’re essential to the smooth running of your studio.

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The Studio owner who hates marketing

Picture this. You’ve carved out a chunk of time this week to properly focus on marketing. You’ve got 2 hours. You sit down at your desk and… the toilet needs cleaning. Hang on, weren’t there some funky leftovers in the fridge that need throwing out? When was the last time the bed sheets got changed?

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