Last year was a BIG year. I feel like I say that every year, but it’s true! One thing that was a particularly big undertaking was building my brand new course, The Leap. My team and I built it from scratch. It was the very first time I’ve run this course and I was nervous. Yes, I still get nervous! I’ve been working with studio owners for over a decade and I still get butterflies when I release something new into the world.
It’s the uncertainty of it. Once I release it, it’s no longer mine and it takes on a life and vibe of its own.
As I was thinking about my own nerves, I realised this is what The Leap is. Closing your eyes, jumping in, trusting the process and seeing where it takes you.
Leaping from the comfort of your current state and leaping forward into more. More students, more leadership and more revenue.
I had a spare 20 minutes last week and I decided to look at the feedback I’d gathered from running The Leap course last year.
I read pages and pages of beautiful feedback.
- “21 new students since starting The Leap… Thank you for the new tools and framework for thinking about how to run (and grow) my Studio!”
- “51 enrolments between the start of The Leap and today – and I’m going to keep that going with everything we learned! Thanks Chantelle!”
- “…Finally had some time to pull some stats and… in the 6 weeks beginning to the end of The Leap, I enrolled 39 students!!”
- “I just checked enrollment and we’re at 31 through the Leap course”
- “I am thankful that my studio grew by 23 enrollments during the Leap! …so excited for all that is ahead for our studio. #itooktheleap”

Yep, life of its own. Aaaaaaand *breathe out*. This is it. This is why I created The Leap. I’m filled with pride that so much good came out of this brain baby.
I had a student tell me recently that she had been following me for three years. Joining in the free challenges and marketing workshops. She wasn’t quite ready to join our signature program but she wanted more. The Leap was perfect. A 6 week commitment, with bite-sized modules she could easily digest around the chaos of running her studio. The most important part was when she said she felt empowered.
What a perfect word to describe my ideal outcome for anyone who joins The Leap.
When I talk to studio owners, the word ‘stuck’ comes up a lot. They feel trapped in the same cycles of losing students, starting the year with half empty classes, teachers leaving. It feels less like a career calling and more like putting out fires constantly.
Where is the joy?
I took a leap when I released The Leap. My aim was to give studio owners 6 weeks.
6 weeks to spark momentum, ignite the flames of leadership and instil the confidence to step into something bigger and better.
You’re probably exhausted. Exasperated. Perhaps looking for solutions? That’s why you’re here. If you made a promise to yourself that 2024 was going to be different, this is your sign.
And honestly, this is why I am reaching out today. To give you your sign that the time to consider taking The Leap is now. When I officially open The Leap in March, I only let 100 studio owners in at a time, then shut up shop. Why? Because when I am coaching in The Leap, I want to give you my all. I want to ensure that every studio owner feels like they are heard and gets to roll up their sleeves and get the big work done.
If you have always wanted to work within my private program but are not quite there yet, then The Leap is perfect for you. It’s 6 weeks of myself and my team honing in on your unique strengths and helping you bring them to life in a personalised strategy for your studio. This is the time to put your name on the waitlist so when we do open the doors, you will be the first one to be notified. You can register your priority spot for the waitlist here.
If you’re nervous, I get that. But if you are with me, let’s do it together. Join the waitlist now!