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How To Know When You’re Ready For A Business Coach For Your Studio

Here is what you need to know if you are ready for a business coach to take your studio business to the next level.
How To Know When You’re Ready For A Business Coach For Your Studio
Join Masterclass: It's a free group with monthly training sessions designed to keep you motivated as you grow your studio in an authentic and heart led way - for Studio Owners

How DO you know when you’re ready for a business coach? 

As performers, it’s so important that we have our teachers, someone who is training us and helping our technique to be extended and for us to become the best performers we can be whether that is in music or drama or dance.

I’ve always found for myself that when I have that person who is guiding me and tweaking what I’m doing in my business, my goodness, it becomes so much of a joy.

And so I want to talk to you about how a business coach can be the best asset in your business. For myself, having a business coach has been a nonnegotiable. I’ve always had a business coach.

Truly, every time I’ve gone to a new business coach, my business has just thrived as a result because I’m not trying to work it all out myself.

I’m not trying to kind of make sense from the chaos. I have someone telling me how to do it, why to do it, and the exact steps, and holding me accountable.  I’m not alone… and that is worth so much when you’re a business owner.

So, here are four ways to know you’re ready to work with a business coach.

How To Know When You’re Ready For A Business Coach For Your Studio

You’re ready to have someone help you with making the big decisions.

The first one is that you’re ready to have someone help you making the big decisions. That person you are looking for to help you make these decisions is someone who knows what you’re trying to achieve and knows what it’s like.

For example, there are a bunch of business coaches out there who are fantastic at working with physical therapists but they might not really know how to structure pricing table for a studio. And so, you’re looking to someone for that really specific insight and knowledge that can help you with the decisions you’ve got to make in your studio.

You’ve got big goals.

The second reason is that you’ve got big goals. You’ve created some progress in your studio and now you feel that you can see the foundations of the business coming together.  That has put a bit of fire in your belly and you’re ready now to lean in and to really make some magic happen.

But you don’t want to muck about. You don’t want to waste any time here. You want a proven plan. You want to know what works because you are ready to run. You are ready to get this going. You are ready to take action at end point. If you are feeling that way, a business coach can help you soar.

You are coachable.

The third way to know that you’re ready for a business coach is if you are coachable. Now, here’s my biggest bit of advice. When I’ve seen other people that I’ve been in mastermind programs with, the people who get the best results, the fastest results, are the most incredible people at hearing the advice the business coach gives them and then doing it.

They don’t think too much about it. They don’t kind of second guess themselves. If that mentor is telling you, “I believe you can go do this,” then they just go and make it happen. They take action so fast. What that does is it accelerates the success of your studio like you’ve never seen before. If that mentor believes in you, trust them and go and take action.

You want to be surrounded by other successful business owners.

The fourth reason is that if you feel like you want to be surrounded by studio owners who have their businesses already three, four, five steps down the line beyond yours.

You want to be the tadpole sitting at a table with the big tuna fish and be able to learn from these studio owners and go, “How did you achieve that? How did you go to a thousand students? What did you do for marketing? How do your systems work? How do you onboard new students?”

To be able to soak up all that knowledge from the people around you is incredibly valuable.

In fact, my personal rule for when I’m choosing a program to work in a mentoring program is that I want to learn 50% from the program and the mentor, and I want to learn the other 50% of what I’m taking from this program from the other people in it. I want to learn how they’re actually running their businesses and how they’re getting the results they’re getting.

What we love and specialize in doing here at Studio Evolution is taking really great businesses and turning them into studios that are profitable and making an incredible impact in their communities.

And not only that, but we actively seek to help each of our studio owners truly step into a new era of leadership, systematize their studios, and build an incredible team that creates a strong foundation for their business.

That’s what our 2 year program, Studio Evolution, does. If you would like more information on working with us, surrounding yourself with a group of exceptional studio owners, and being part of a community that’s focused on exceptional studio management, Studio Evolution is perfect for you.

Now’s the time to take the next big step in your studio business.

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Join Masterclass: It's a free group with monthly training sessions designed to keep you motivated as you grow your studio in an authentic and heart led way - for Studio Owners

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