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The Journey of an Evolving Leader—And How You Can Take the First Steps

Let’s be honest—being a studio owner isn’t just about teaching classes or managing schedules. It’s about leading. Did you cringe?
Join Masterclass: It's a free group with monthly training sessions designed to keep you motivated as you grow your studio in an authentic and heart led way - for Studio Owners

Let’s be honest—being a studio owner isn’t just about teaching classes or managing schedules. It’s about leading. Did you cringe? Read on…

Every day, you’re the one your team, students, and community look to for guidance. But here’s the kicker: leadership doesn’t come with an instruction manual. It’s something you grow into, something that evolves with every decision you make, every challenge you face, and every triumph you experience.

And let me tell you—you’re already further along in your leadership journey than you might think.

Recently, we wrapped up an incredible pillar (and one of my fav’s!) in our Studio Evolution program called Evolving Leaders. This wasn’t about ticking off to-dos or following a rigid formula. It was about discovering the kind of leader you want to be. It was about showing up authentically, making decisions that align with your values, and evolving into the leader your studio truly needs.

Whether you’ve ever considered yourself a leader or not, it’s time to tap into that side of you and take the next step. Here are a few core concepts you can apply to your leadership journey today:


1. Leadership is an Ongoing Evolution

First thing’s first: leadership is never “done.” You might complete tasks, reach goals, or tick off achievements, but evolving as a leader means being open to growth—always. Your leadership is like an ever-expanding organism that adapts to the needs of your studio, your team, and yourself. Some studio owners feel unsure when their leadership is “ready” or “good enough,” but the truth is, it’s always a work in progress.

Melissa, one of our Studio Evolution members, put it perfectly: “It was hard to know when the project was ready because I can see how it’s going to evolve.” And she’s spot on. The goal is not to perfect your leadership but to embrace the fact that it will change as you do. The key is to keep showing up, learning, and growing with every new experience. So, if you’ve ever wondered when you’ll feel like a “real leader,” here’s the secret: you already are one. You just have to let yourself evolve into the next version of that leader.


2. Find Your Leadership Style—and Own It

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to leadership. Some of us lead with passion and energy, while others take a calm, reflective approach. Some days you’ll feel like a powerhouse, knocking out tasks left and right, and other days might feel more challenging. It’s all part of the journey.

The magic happens when you start to understand your unique style and own it. The way you lead might be different from someone else, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s amazing! Your leadership will resonate with your team when it feels authentic, rather than forced. So, ask yourself: how do you naturally lead? Is it through connection, motivation, strategy, or maybe creativity? Whatever it is, lean into it and let that style shape the way you show up in your studio.


3. Leadership Is About Creating Space

Let’s face it—running a studio can be overwhelming. But great leadership isn’t just about getting things done; it’s about creating space for yourself and your team to breathe, reflect, and grow. When you’re able to create clear space (both mentally and practically), it gives you room to make thoughtful decisions and handle challenges with more ease.

Several studio owners in our program recently mentioned the feeling of relief they got after completing certain leadership tasks—they finally had clear space in their heads to focus on bigger-picture thinking. Leadership isn’t about doing all the things; it’s about prioritising the right things and giving yourself the freedom to focus on what really matters.

Take Sara, who uploaded her Evolution Projects a week early because she made space for it, and the sense of accomplishment was incredible. That’s the kind of clarity you deserve, too. When you’re able to carve out time to reflect on your leadership, even in small moments, you set yourself up to lead with more purpose.


So, what does this mean for you?

It means you’re already leading, whether you realise it or not. Every time you make a decision that impacts your studio, every time you support a team member, every time you create a positive experience for your students, you’re showing up as a leader.

But here’s the exciting part: you don’t have to have it all figured out today. Leadership is an evolution. You get to learn, adapt, and grow as you go.

So if you’re feeling frenzied, overwhelmed, or like you’re not quite “there” yet—trust me, you’re on your way. Start with embracing the fact that your leadership will continue to evolve, owning your unique style, and making space for yourself to lead with more clarity and intention.

And remember, every step you take is a step toward becoming the leader your studio needs.

Here’s to your next season of leadership, growth, and empowerment.

Chantelle x

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Join Masterclass: It's a free group with monthly training sessions designed to keep you motivated as you grow your studio in an authentic and heart led way - for Studio Owners

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