As performers, it’s so important that we have our teachers, someone who is training us and helping our technique to be extended and for us to become the best performers we can be whether that is in music or drama or dance.
I’ve always found for myself that when I have that person who is guiding me and tweaking what I’m doing in my business, my goodness, it becomes so much of a joy.
And so I want to talk to you about how a business coach can be the best asset in your business. For me, having a business coach has been a non-negotiable. I’ve always had a business coach.
I have worked with a bunch of different business coaches over the years and what’s been really interesting is every time I have taken that big leap and made that massive decision to work with a new business coach. my business has doubled.
It’s really interesting to look back and reflect on the trajectory of running my business and also my clients. When I’m sitting here wanting to grow my business, I have these dreams for what I want to achieve, there are things that I don’t know such as the best marketing strategies to use or how to set up my team to grow. And what’s so powerful is about when you do decide to work with a business coach like me or anyone, is that you’re really saying to yourself, I’m committed. This dream I have for my studio, this vision I have for this business that I know could become, I’m in.
And I know I don’t have all the answers, but I tell you what, I’m going to go get them and I’m going to give myself access to what I need to do to make that happen. And that’s the difference between studios that stay stagnant and those that are really ready to go to that next level.
There are businesses that are comfortable sitting where they are and that’s totally fine, but maybe you are not one of them. Maybe you are not one of those studio owners. Maybe there’s a part of you that wants a business that you are really proud of. You want to be able to earn a six-figure salary and employ my team full-time. You are ready for that. You are for the recognition of your studio and the quality of what you deliver. Sometimes it’s hard to do that on your own.
If you’ve been running your business for a while. You’ll know that you’re putting a lot of energy and effort into keeping the balls rolling. And sometimes you just need someone to go able to shine a light and ask, have you tried this?
This is the solution. And what that does is it just opens all the doors and it fast tracks your growth. And that’s why every time I work with a business coach, I know I’m committing to backing myself here. I know that I’m here for the long haul and I want this business to succeed without a shadow of a doubt. And I’m saying to this business coach, I’m ready. Show me what to do. Tell me what to do. I know I need to do things a bit differently here, but I’m ready and my business is going to receive the growth of that. And that’s where probably you are right now today.
So I want you to take the time to think about this. Do you want to do things differently? And if you do our door is open.
Head to to learn more.
I can not wait to see what you will be on the other side.
Chantelle x