We all know that feeling. You’ve been in the studio for most of the day catching up on admin work and the afternoon circus of classes is about to begin. The trouble is, you’ve just hit your slump and now you have to muster up the energy to teach or supervise the studio.
Here’s how to do it.
1. Go for a lunchtime walk
This 2011 showed that a 2.5-hour reduction in work hours coupled with mandatory participation in physical activity significantly increased the productivity of workers who exercised. The test group were not required to participate in physical activity but still received a 2.5-hour reduction in work hours did not report an increase in productivity.
Bottom line? Get moving and it will replenish you for your evening classes. You might even get a little admin work done to boot!
2. Stay hydrated
Did you know if you feel thirsty you’re already dehydrated? Stay on top of your water consumption and limit caffeine. If you do drink caffeine add an extra cup of water for each caffeinated beverage.
3. Get familiar with your peak productivity hours
You might reason that getting to the studio an hour or two before evening classes to get your admin done is productive. However, you might be sharper in the morning and if you save your admin work for the afternoon it might be taking you twice as long because your heart just isn’t in it. Play around with your peak work hours and use them wisely. Your peak hours might even be AFTER evening classes. Have an experiment and see when you’re most productive with your time. That way you won’t be totally burned out by the time afternoon classes roll around.
4. Use timers
If you’re the type of studio owner who always desperately needs to clean out the costume cupboard right when your taxes are due, this one is for you. Set timers for 20 mins for the tasks that have no ‘end’. Things like social media and emails. There’s always more to do. Instead of procrastinating (hello costume cupboard!) or vortexing, set a timer and do a little chunk of work it. This will prevent you from overworking to the point where you can barely stand up when the evening classes come barelling through the door. Try this handy app called Pomofocus!

5. Allow time for a nap
A quick 20 minute kip on a yoga mat on the floor will stop any tiredness in it’s tracks. If you have time, go for 40 mins! However try not to sleep for longer than a sleep cycle (about 90 mins) because it could have the opposite effect and might make your body think it’s down for the evening.
Happy slump avoiding!
All my best,