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The Secret Weapon for Enrolling More Students: Your Inbox

Often, we have a pool of individuals who have shown interest in our services, but for some reason or another, never converted into paying students. We always say we are going to come back to those leads who don’t convert but then recital and registration times rolls around and before we know it we have let them go.

But it is never too late to touch base and show them the magic of your studio community. Let’s get back to being in the forefront of their minds.

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Recharge Your Studio with Strategic Campaign Marketing

If you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by your promotional efforts and long for a more focused approach, you’re in for a treat. Together, we’ll explore my 7-Step Marketing Method that can transform your studio’s marketing strategies and set you up for success.

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5 Things To Do Before Leasing a Studio Space

Leasing a studio space can be scary and overwhelming. It’s a really big commitment. It can also be incredibly exciting and inspiring. However, that excitement and inspiration can be a big distraction away from the important things you need to do before you lease a studio space.

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Heather’s Growth Strategies: From 300 to 800 Students in 2 Years

Meet Heather. Heather is the founder and owner of a hugely successful dance studio in Florida USA. Before Studio Evolution, she began her journey with a beautiful small studio of 300 students. Within her first year of SE, she had grown her business to over 800 students and achieved her dream of becoming a million-dollar studio.

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It’s Double Your Studio Go Time!

When we look to growing our enrolments it is never a nice feeling when try and do this at the last minute. A lot of the time you get to the end of your holidays without much planning and know your enrolments should already be flowing in.

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5 Simple Time Saving Tactics for Busy Studio Owners

If there is one thing that studio owners do not have an abundance of, it’s time. There’s always so much to do. Program planning, teaching, studio maintenance, emails, teacher recruitment, organizing concerts. The list is endless. Unfortunately, you can’t stop doing any of these things. They’re essential to the smooth running of your studio.

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The Studio owner who hates marketing

Picture this. You’ve carved out a chunk of time this week to properly focus on marketing. You’ve got 2 hours. You sit down at your desk and… the toilet needs cleaning. Hang on, weren’t there some funky leftovers in the fridge that need throwing out? When was the last time the bed sheets got changed?

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How to engage your team

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times – teamwork makes the dream work. Years (and years!) of experience has led me to value team engagement as one of the most important elements in my business. Think about how dreadful it is when one of your leading teachers calls in sick or worse, gives their notice? That sinking feeling is one of the biggest clues – your team is your support network and it’s vital to your business to cherish and nurture them.

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Unlock Your Hidden Enrolments

One of the top areas of concern for studio owners is free marketing. Paid advertising is also extremely important but that’s a discussion for another day. Free marketing is an untapped resource that too many studio owners ignore. The main reason it remains untapped is confidence. We’re not trained to go out there and hustle for our businesses.

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What are you tolerating

What are you tolerating

Tolerance is often considered a good thing but that’s not always the case. Often we tolerate things because it’s easier than making a fuss. This leads to us doing too much and getting burnt out because we’re afraid of rocking the boat

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8 Ways to Improve Your Studio Retention in 2023

8 Ways to Improve Your Studio Retention in 2023 | Part 2

When studio owners ask me the secret to a thriving studio business, I always tell them to focus on retention. It may not be sexy or splashy. But a good retention strategy will make your bank balance look good, you’ll spend less on marketing and you can avoid the stress each season about your enrolment numbers. Sound good? Let’s dive in.

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