Hello Lovely Ones,
I’ve been answering questions studio owners have been sending us. And today’s question from Courtney is one that studio owners of all sizes can relate to!
“How can I get my employees to really become team players? We try to have meetings, and I can’t even get 50% of them to be present and participate. We even offer it via Zoom for those who can’t travel and time is a constraint. We provide meals for them, we even pay them for their time. So any other suggestions about how I can get my team really on board a little bit more, be greatly appreciated!“
Click below to listen in and get a few ideas to help your team too!
I’m sure there’s a lot of studio owners, who can relate. And having 50% show up is just so frustrating, because you’re putting in time and energy to create a positive experience and bring people together so you can all work better together.
I love this question. We actually have a whole project of this in our Evolving Leaders Pillar called Metamorphosis. The focus is the process to take your team from being the Caterpillars (kind of plodding along) to being butterflies who fly. I also dive into how you can help them to become the more passionate, creative, invested team members that we ideally want.
So the big thing that I’m curious about is what is the feeling of the meetings you have to begin with. Is there joy? Are they inspiring? Or are they following what we see in movies where everyone sits at a table and consumes information?
We have an opportunity to tap into the humanity of the people on our teams. We’re looking at how you want them to feel, who you want them to become, and what we want to understand as a collective. Approaching the design of your meetings with this in mind will capture the attention of your team. And then there are other ways that you can share the operational details about the business.
There are other ways of conveying and communicating that information and we teach that process in Studio Evolution. But to create and deepen your team connection, think about how you can use this precious time to elevate and ignite that spark within your team.
I know this does sound counterintuitive to look at your meetings as being more inspiring instead of more informative. But connection leads to understanding and interest.
So I challenge you to brainstorm ways to spark joy and create meetings that people look forward to attending. I give a few specific ideas in the video above, so make sure to listen in.
And to bolster your efforts, you can also set clear expectations from the beginning. Attendance at meetings should be a point of discussion when hiring and can be part of the employment agreement.
So in summary:
Number one: make sure meetings are inspiring. Then number two: make meeting attendance a clear expectation from the beginning.
If you want to ask me anything, I am yours. All you got to do is leave me a voicemail, my friends. Here’s the link!
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Chantelle x