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5 Min Quiz - Get Your Personalised Studio Growth Plan

There ain't no such thing as 'one-size-fits-all' when it comes to growing a studio. Your studio is as unique as you are.

Take this 5 minute quiz to learn more about your strengths and leverage them to grow your studio business beyond your wildest dreams.

Here’s how to get your Personalised Plan

Every studio owner is different, so why should you follow the same plan as everyone else?

Take this 5 minute quiz to discover your own Studio Owner profile that outlines your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use them to grow your business in a way that is manageable and meaningful to you.

Here’s What You’ll Receive In Your Personalised Plan to Grow Your Studio:

Discover Your Studio Owner Archetype

Learn how your archetype influences the way you run your business. Discover how to use your strengths with more impact and uncover the traits that may be holding back your success. 

Free “Your Personalised Plan to Leap To The Next Level” Workshop

This 4 part video workshop will share with you the easiest and fastest ways for your Archetype to grow your studio. No more feeling overwhelmed with marketing that  stresses you out. I’ll show you how to market your studio in alignment with your natural gifts. 

Take the Leap with Your Superpower Strategy 

Let’s make your studio work for you, based on your special kinda magic and grow with more joy than ever before. You don’t have to do all the things, just work a whole lot smarter. 

About Studio Evolution

Energy Wave Graphic

Many moons ago, Chantelle founded a successful performing arts studio which she grew to six locations across Sydney in just under 4 years. With her rapid growth and a team of 35+ teachers, it wasn’t long before other studio owners were approaching Chantelle to share her strategies. She started off with private coaching and mentoring clients, but soon was at capacity.

This was when Studio Evolution was born. This new business model allowed Chantelle to share her business strategies with many people at once, talking specifically to the industry she loved – the performing arts.

The 2-year immersive program for studio owners began – its intention was to help studio owners grow their businesses for more profits, freedom and joy. Today, studios from 34 countries have doubled their students, achieved 97% retention, built a loyal team and halved their workloads thanks to the strategies and tools in Studio Evolution. 

We are here to redefine what studio ownership means. To provide a safe sanctuary for studio owners to learn and grow within their businesses. We give the practical resources and strategies needed to succeed but also the supportive network that empowers them to thrive.

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