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Personalised Plan

Reveal the hidden formula for studio business success! Dive in now to learn more about your strengths and leverage them to grow your studio business beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome to Part 4: How To Take The Leap

Get access to your personalised marketing plan based on your Archetype.
Set your studio up for more growth with less stress & make a giant Leap in your enrolments.

Generic studio business advice doesn’t cut it anymore. You have unique gifts and offerings for your studio and we want to help you unlock that magic and take the next leap forward in the success of your business.

The Leap 6-week course can be purchased at ANY time, with instant access to all Modules, so you can jump right in! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this short, sharp and very effective studio growth plan. We want to give as much as we can to get as many studio owners out of their business ruts. 

We are so sure that this course with change your business that we want to offer lifetime access. 

The course itself consists of 6 modules, taken at your own pace (we recommend over 6 weeks), with monthly check-in calls and two LIVE six-week rounds per year. You will be able to access all of the materials forever and refer back whenever your business needs a jumpstart. 

Ensure to secure your place and take your business to its new heights.

Continue Watching Your Personalised Plan

Back to Part 1: Discover Your Archetype 
  • The amazing gifts of your Archetype
  • How your Archetype sabotages your studio’s growth
  • Play Archetype Bingo and tick off as many squares as you can!
Part 2: Work SMARTer, Not harder
  • How to avoid the repetitive mistakes that keep your studio small
  • The SMART Model and how it makes growing your studio easy
  • How to stop working so hard
Part 3: Your Super Power Strategy
  • The best marketing strategy for your Archetype
  • How to easily enrol more students and make more money 
  • Your Super Power in Business

We aren’t in the business of wooing people with false promises and we want to make sure that you get value out of this investment. 

That’s why we have the 30-day money back guarantee. If you start the 6-week course and you realise it’s not for you, you can get 100% of your money back, no questions asked. All you have to do is submit the worksheets we walk you through and show us that this program is not for you. 

Questions? Email